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    15.000.000 €
    Marokko : 15.000.000 €
    Verkehr : 15.000.000 €
    22/12/2009 : 15.000.000 €
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    1 September 2009
    Unterzeichnet | 22/12/2009
    Projektträger – Finanzintermediär
    Rabat Tramway

    Société Tramway de Rabat-Salé (STRS)

    Vorgeschlagene EIB-Finanzierung (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
    Gesamtkosten (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
    EUR 15 million from the Bank's own resources under the ENP/MED Mandate (2007-2013).
    Approximately EUR 346 million.

    The project concerns the construction of two tramway lines that will connect Rabat and Salé. Although the two cities are located on opposite banks of the Bouregreg river, they form a single greater urban area. The first tramway line will be 11.7 km long and have 22 stations while the second will be 7.8 km long with 14 stations. Along a 2.9 km stretch of the central section, the two lines will share the same infrastructure, including a new bridge over the Bouregreg river and six stations. The two lines constitute the first part of a larger network, which is eventually expected to comprise four lines and form the heart of the urban public transport network. The project is also integrated into the overall development plan for the Bouregreg valley (total population of 400 000).

    The project meets the daily transport requirements of 400 000 people living between Rabat and Salé. These two lines will connect more than 100 educational centres. Potentially, 72 000 students are concerned by this new transport service.

    The tramway will help to curb the use of cars and buses in urban areas and will have a positive environmental impact.

    The project forms an integral part of the overall development plan for the Bouregreg valley and will also facilitate integration between the two cities, which are still divided not only geographically but also in functional and cultural terms.


    Local environmental regulations will be applied in the construction of the project, which will comply with the European Union's principles as set out in the Bank's social and environmental guidelines.

    In March 2007, the Bouregreg Valley Development Board (AAVB) conducted an environmental and social impact study of the transport infrastructure projects in the Bouregreg valley (including the part concerning the tramway). This document will have to be updated and completed by more detailed studies (in particular concerning the project's adverse impacts).

    The project must comply with the main EU policy rules on procurement, in particular the points contained in Directive 2004/17/EU.

    Link zum projekt


    Bis Finanzierungen vom Verwaltungsrat genehmigt und anschließend unterzeichnet werden, befinden sich die Projekte in der Prüfungs- oder Verhandlungsphase. Die Angaben auf dieser Seite sind daher unverbindlich.
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