Part of the series :
This report summarizes the discussions held in the context of the Roundtable on Digital Financial Inclusion in Africa during the 2017 EIB Africa Day, which was co-organized in Berlin on July 6th, 2017 by the EIB, Afrika-Verein der Deutschen Wirtschaft and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. It aims at providing an interim thematic update in between two editions of the EIB’s Study of Banking Sectors in sub-Saharan Africa.
All publications in this series
- Is crowding out of private sector credit inhibiting Africa’s growth?
- Banking in Jordan: Financing corporates and SMEs in the era of COVID-19
- Finance in Africa: for green, smart and inclusive private sector development
- Georgia Country Diagnostic
- Private sector development in Morocco
- Banking in Africa: financing transformation amid uncertainty
- Financing in Georgia: Small and medium enterprises and the private sector
- Corporate innovation in Austria: Findings from the EIB Investment Survey
- Innovation investment in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe: Building future prosperity and setting the ground for sustainable upward convergence
- Banking in Africa: Delivering on Financial Inclusion, Supporting Financial Stability
- Infrastructure Investment in the Western Balkans: A First Analysis
- Republic of Belarus: Financial Sector Review and Private Sector Financing
- Wind of change: Investment in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe
- Banking in sub-Saharan Africa - Recent Trends and Digital Financial Inclusion
- Armenia: Neighbourhood SME financing
- Serbia: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- Montenegro: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- Albania: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- Kosovo: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- FYROM: Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries
- Assessment of financing needs of SMEs in the Western Balkans countries - Synthesis Report
- Georgia: Neighbourhood SME financing
- Jordan: Neighbourhood SME financing
- Ukraine: Neighbourhood SME financing
- Tunisia: Neighbourhood SME financing
- Neighbourhood SME financing – Synthesis Report
- Recent Trends in Banking in sub-Saharan Africa - From Financing to Investment
- Azerbaijan: Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments
- Moldova: Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments
- Armenia: Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments
- Georgia: Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments
- Ukraine: Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments
- Private Sector Financing and the role of Risk-bearing Instruments - Synthesis Report
- Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in Russia
- Banking in the Mediterranean - Financing Needs and Opportunities in Turbulent Times
- Banking in Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey - Challenges and Opportunities
- Banking in sub-Saharan Africa - Challenges and Opportunities
- Banking in the Eastern Neighbours and Central Asia – Challenges and Opportunities
- Banking in the Mediterranean - Challenges and Opportunities
- Financial Mechanism for the Development of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries