| | | September 2014 |
| The international community recognises the need to join forces to avert dangerous climate change. This requires mobilising financial resources from a wide range of sources. A group of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) comprising the AfDB, ADB, EBRD, EIB, IDB and WBG - IFC & WB, are launching the third annual joint report on Climate Finance in developing and emerging countries. The joint approach described in this report measures MDB engagement in climate action in a transparent and harmonised manner. | |
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2013 was a year of great progress for the EIB’s climate action activities. Climate projects accounted for 27% of our total lending portfolio, underpinning our belief that considering climate action through an economic and social lens can help secure sustainable growth and lasting employment."
Werner Hoyer, EIB President
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Did you know ?EIB financing for climate action in 2013
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