The EIB Group Complaints Mechanism is a public accountability tool, part of the institutional context of the European Union. It enables alternative and pre-emptive resolution of disputes between complainants and the EIB Group. In addition, the Complaints Mechanism assists the EIB Group, for the common purpose of good administration, by advising on possible improvements to the implementation of its activities.
One of the main objectives of the EIB Group Complaints Mechanism is to ensure the right to be heard and the right to complain of EIB Group stakeholders, thus giving voice to their concerns regarding maladministration.
Addressing complaints of any kind is a Group-wide responsibility as it helps the EIB Group to enhance its performance and activities. For this purpose, and on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with the European Ombudsman, the EIB Group has a two-tier Complaints Mechanism composed of an internal tier – the Complaints Mechanism Division – and an external one – the European Ombudsman. This two-tier system, with an external and independent body, makes the Complaints Mechanism unique amongst the multilateral development institutions.
The French and German translations were revised in January 2022 to use gender-sensitive language. No amendments have been made to the original English version.