- Date: 10/08/2020
- Reference: HL-1294
Modification notice
- OJEU ref. 2020/S 153-373779 of 10/08/2020 (Lot 1)
Modification notice
- OJEU ref. 2020/S 153-373780 of 10/08/2020 (Lot 1)
Modification notice
- OJEU ref. 2020/S 153-373781 of 10/08/2020 (Lot 1)
Modification notice
- OJEU ref. 2020/S 153-373782 of 10/08/2020 (Lot 1)
Modification notice
- OJEU ref. 2020/S 153-373783 of 10/08/2020 (Lot 1)
Modification notice
- OJEU ref. 2020/S 153-373784 of 10/08/2020 (Lot 1)
Contract award notice
- OJEU ref. 2016/S 205-370117 of 22/10/2016
Contract notice
- OJEU ref. 2016/S 32-51088 of 16/02/2016
- Deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 15/04/2016
- OJEU ref. 2015/S 236-427107 of 05/12/2015
Forecast Notice
- OJEU ref. 2015/S 229-416035 of 26/11/2015
More information
- To access this Call for Tenders related documentation, please visit the eTendering platform