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Romania: Residents in northeast to get energy-network upgrade with €200 million EIB loan to Delgaz Grid
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is lending Romanian energy distributor Delgaz Grid €200 million to upgrade the electricity network in the country’s northeastern region of Moldova; the loan amount can be disbursed both in EUR and RON. The EIB credit is part of a €630 investment programme by Delgaz Grid to improve a power system that serves more than 1.5 million households and businesses.
Majoritatea românilor consideră adaptarea la schimbările climatice o prioritate națională, arată sondajul BEI
Mai mult de opt români din zece recunosc nevoia de a-și schimba și adapta stilul de viață la efectele schimbărilor climatice, potrivit Sondajului anual cu privire la climă, comandat de Banca Europeană de Investiții (BEI). Printre provocările cu care se confruntă țara lor, respondenții au plasat schimbările climatice pe locul al doilea după creșterea costului vieții. Mulți sunt de părere că investițiile de acum în adaptare vor preveni creșterea costurilor în viitor.
G7 financial institutions team up for sustainable food systems
G7 Public Development Banks (PDBs) and Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) are joining forces to enhance food security and sustainable agriculture in emerging markets. Through a new coordination mechanism set up by Italy’s Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), the Group of Seven PDBs and DFIs are teaming up in the “Collaborative on Sustainable Food Systems”.