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The EFSI Steering Board has the pleasure of inviting you to the third EFSI stakeholders’ consultation event on Friday, 14 December 2018 at the EIB premises in Luxembourg from 09:30 till 13:00. The event will bring together a broad range of stakeholders, such as public authorities, umbrella associations, think tanks, project promoters, civil society organisations and relevant social partners with a strong interest in the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and whose input is highly valuable for shaping the EFSI policy and its implementation.  

EFSI was launched in 2015 by the EIB Group and the European Commission to address the lack of investment activity in Europe. The EFSI Steering Board determines its strategic orientation and oversees its implementation. In doing so, the EFSI Steering Board encourages a continuous consultation process with external stakeholders, who are seen as strategic partners in providing expert views and recommendations on EFSI matters.

The public stakeholders’ consultation event on 14 December 2018 will touch upon key topics in the implementation of EFSI. Among others, the impact of EFSI after 3 years of operation, the cooperation between the EIB and NPBIs or access to finance to SMEs and Mid-caps will be addressed.

You will be presented with the latest updates regarding EFSI and will be able to participate in a Q&A session with the members of the EFSI Steering Board, the EFSI Managing Director and EIB Group experts on topics that have been highlighted in stakeholders’ opinions, such as the geographical and sectoral distribution of EFSI, the changes introduced since the entry into force of the amended EFSI Regulation and many others.

Registrations were open until Tuesday 27 November 2018. A detailed programme of the event will be provided after registration at a later date. Please be reminded that the number of seats are limited and will be reserved on a first come first served basis.

For any questions related to the event or registration, please contact the EFSI Secretariat:

Telephone: +352 437 983 087