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JASPERS’ eight Stakeholders meeting took place in Rome on 27-28 September, 2016. The event was attended by 120 representatives coming from 20 JASPERS beneficiary countries and by JASPERS' partners.

The 2016 meeting was structured around six panel sessions:

27 September:

  1. JASPERS’ achievements in 2016 and outlook to 2020
  2. How to accelerate the preparation and approval of Major Projects in the 2014-2020 programming period

28 September:

  1. New challenges in Major Projects
  2. JASPERS’ support to programmes and non-Major Projects
  3. Capacity building – Train the trainer
  4. Stakeholder dialogue

Representatives of the Managing Authorities of JASPERS’ beneficiary countries actively contributed to the meeting, providing JASPERS with precious feedback. At the end of each session, participants were asked to express their vote on concrete proposals.

 “JASPERS’ activity is crucial to simplify administrative burden and define projects which are sustainable and relevant for citizens” said Claudio De Vincenti, State Secretary to Italy’s Prime Minister. “JASPERS has got skilled people, expertise in financing evaluation, optimal knowledge in infrastructure investments and deep understanding of UE rules. This is a concrete way to assure good value to EU financial support”.

“JASPERS is a key player in delivering EU’s Cohesion Policy and a key part of the joint EIB-EC funded advisory offer, with important synergies with other programmes”, said EIB Vice President Jan Vapaavuori. Over the years, he added, “JASPERS has adapted to the needs on the ground and promptly responded to the requests of development of all categories of projects assisted by European Structural and Investment Funds”.

Normunds Popens, Deputy Director General for Implementation of the European Commission (DG Regional and Urban Policy), also underlined JASPERS flexible approach: “Advice covers major projects, but also non-major projects and horizontal assignments, depending on specific demands from JASPERS beneficiaries”. Popens announced during the meeting that DG Regional and Urban Policy approved on 26 September the first project ever under the new Independent Quality Review procedure (Vilnus Bypass – 3rd phase in Lithuania).