- Waterleidingmaatschappij Limburg gets €100 million in EIB financing to upgrade its drinking water production and distribution facilities.
- Apart from 17 km of new transport water mains and 50km of new distribution pipelines, WML expects to rehabilitate or upgrade some 485 km of distribution lines in the coming five years.
- The upgrading of drinking water production infrastructure will focus on the construction of a new production plant, as well as soil works for one of the main basins.
Waterleidingmaatschappij Limburg (WML), the water supply company operating in Limburg province in the Netherlands, has signed a €100 million finance contract with the European Investment Bank. WML will use the funding to carry out its 2023-2027 investment programme, which aims to rehabilitate and upgrade both the drinking water production facilities and the distribution network. Smaller investments to upgrade and securitise ICT infrastructure will also be included in the financing programme. The operation is expected to enhance the reliability and efficiency of WML’s water supply system, ensuring the security of supply of high-quality drinking water delivered to residents in the area.
“We don’t always realise how much effort and investment goes into making sure that reliably clean water comes out of our taps every moment of every day.” said EIB Vice-President Kris Peeters. “Addressing maintenance, and upgrading and expanding the drinking water infrastructure, also contribute to environmental sustainability because efficient water systems minimise wastage and protect natural water sources. Ultimately, investments in drinking water infrastructure are an investment in the health, growth and resilience of society. We are very happy to re-establish our relationship with WML to support that.”
CEO of WML Joyce Nelissen added: “Drinking water is a necessity of life and of great importance for public health, well-being and prosperity. WML has been providing reliable, safe, high-quality drinking water for Limburg for almost 100 years. At the same time, WML is facing major challenges in terms of water availability and water quality. To guarantee a future-proof and sustainable drinking water supply for Limburg, it is important to invest in up-to-date production facilities, purification techniques and a reliable piping network. By granting this funding, the EIB acknowledges that WML is a solid and financially sound organisation. We are proud of that. Furthermore, with this loan from the EIB, WML can give substance to further diversity in financing and — most importantly — it will help WML to meet the challenges of the future.”
WML will rehabilitate and upgrade both its distribution infrastructure and its production facilities. On the distribution side, 17 km of new transport water mains and 50 km of new distribution supply network will be constructed, , and 485 km of distribution lines will be refurbished. The financing is also earmarked for investments in pressure sensors along vulnerable distribution networks, to optimise the water efficiency performance over the whole supply system.
The investment is the second project between the EIB and WML, after an earlier loan signed in 1999, which helped WML switch from a dependency on groundwater extraction to the use of surface water. On the production side, WML will carry out rehabilitation and new construction works at a number of production facilities and also optimise the destratification (by means of aerators) of De Lange Vlieter, a lake serving as a storage basin for drinking water production, and the renovation of DVR Landgraaf, a water storage reservoir.
Background information
Over the last five years, the European Investment Bank has financed more than €1.1 billion worth of healthcare projects in the Netherlands, including University Medical Centres, top clinical hospitals and long-term care facilities.
Waterleidingmaatschappij Limburg (WML) is the company producing and supplying drinking water to all homes in the province of Limburg — over half a million. Owned jointly by the province and the municipalities, it was founded in 1973 and has its headquarters in Maastricht.