- Corporate Issues
- 50th anniversary conference: four "js" to use EU funds in a more efficient way
- JEREMIE goes regional in France
- EIB ready to increase its support for SMEs in Austria and Central Europe
- Public consultation on review of EIB's Environmental and Social Statement
- EIB supports the revitalisation of the Medinas
- International policy conference on student loans at the EIB
- Research, Development and Innovation Roadshow
- Within EU
- Outside EU
- EIB opens offices in Ankara and Istanbul
- EIB cooperates with other IFIs to support development of Georgia
- FEMIP Seminar on Human Capital. How to provide more jobs for young graduates in the Mediterranean region?
- Building the Union for the Mediterranean: what role for FEMIP?
- Focusing attention on Africa's infrastructure needs
- The Caprivi Interconnector - enabling regional power integretion
- Internal Issues