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2020-2021 EIB climate survey

Citizens’ perceptions of climate change and climate action in the face of COVID-19

The European Investment Bank launched the third edition of the EIB Climate Survey in 2020. The survey revealed how the COVID-19 crisis is influencing citizens’ perception of the climate emergency. The findings are particularly relevant at a time when climate and a green recovery are top priorities in the EU’s agenda.

Conducted in partnership with market research firm BVA, the survey aims to inform the broader debate on citizens’ attitudes and expectations in terms of climate action in the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and China.

Explore the results

Podcast: Hear from experts


Thomas Froimovici

  European Investment Bank
98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg
   +352 4379 - 83249
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