The loan will be available for two years and will finance up to 50% of security investments for the renewal of inspection equipment planned under DORA 2017-2021
European Investment Bank (EIB) Vice-President, Román Escolano, and Aena Executive Director, Jaime García-Legaz, signed a finance contract under which the EIB will grant Aena a EUR 400m loan with a maturity of up to 20 years this morning at the company's head office.
This credit line will be available for Aena's use over the next two years, and will finance up to 50% of security investments for the renewal of inspection equipment. These investments, which are planned under the Spanish Airport Regulation Document (DORA) 2017-2021, aim to improve security processes by introducing new technologies and inspection equipment to airports in order to apply new European standards in the domain. This will also enable Aena airports to optimise their processes for the inspection of passengers, luggage and cargo.
The contract signed today by representatives of both institutions is supported by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the central pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe (commonly known as the Juncker Plan).
Investment Plan for Europe support enabled the EIB to grant Aena this long-term financing. The Juncker Plan guarantee makes it possible for the EIB to provide financing on favourable terms to support investments whose structure or nature means that they contribute to boosting economic growth and employment.
The EIB is Aena's main lender, and as the relationship between the two organisations is permanent, Aena shares its long-term investment plans with the EIB.
At the signing ceremony in Madrid today, EIB Vice-President Román Escolano stated: “Investment is airport security is vital. For this reason, the EIB is happy to support contracts such as the one we are signing with Aena today to ensure that Spanish airports – which handled 230 million passengers last year – have access to the latest technologies to guarantee their security.”
European Commissioner for the Security Union Julian King said: “We live in a world where threats cross borders and evolve constantly: the security of one is the security of all. Our common aim is to reduce the space where terrorists can act. I am delighted that EU resources will be helping the Spanish authorities to achieve this; it will make us all safer.”