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    100 000 000 €
    Croatie : 100 000 000 €
    Transports : 100 000 000 €
    Date(s) de signature
    7/09/2007 : 100 000 000 €
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    Date de publication
    14 juin 2007
    Signé | 07/09/2007
    Nom du projet
    Promoteur – Intermédiaire financier
    Zadar New Port
    Lucka Uprava Zadar (“Zadar Port Authority-ZPA”)
    Montant BEI envisagé (montant approximatif)
    Coût total (montant approximatif)
    Up to EUR 110 million.
    Up to EUR 240 million.

    The project will concern the construction of a new ferry port in Zadar (area of Gazenica), and may include dredging of maritime access, construction of breakwaters, land reclamation, construction of new berths for island, coastal and international ferry services and cruise ships, construction of a new passenger terminal, construction of a new fishing port, and access roads.

    The project will provide additional capacity and international standard facilities for islands/international ferry services and cruise ships. By relocating the ferry port to the Gazenica industrial zone, traffic congestion in the historical part of the city will be alleviated. This will enable the conversion of city’s shoreline, which in the future will be dedicated to smaller passenger ships and tourism facilities. The project will offer the sole transport alternative available to connect the population scattered in many peripheral islands along the central Croatian coast with the continent, and will also act as an interconnecting port between the islands. Being an essential transport facility for many of these islands, the project will contribute to the process of regional development. The new port will also help generate traffic between the region and Italy and attract cruise traffic to Zadar, further strengthening its potential for supporting regional development.

    Aspects environnementaux
    Passation des marchés

    The project, being a new development with major off-shore works, would require a full EIA under Annex I of EIA Directive if within the EU. The EIA process has been carried out by ZPA in 2005-2006, and the final consent was granted by the Ministry of Environment on 19 June 2006. The appraisal mission will verify that there is no significant impact on internationally or locally protected areas. The Bank’s services will take care to ensure that a full EIA including public consultation has been carried out to EU standards in line with the Bank’s environmental guidelines, and that a suitable organization for monitoring of environmental mitigation will be in place.

    The Bank will require the Promoter to ensure that procurement under the project will be carried out in compliance with the Bank’s Guide to Procurement. Procurement procedures will be on the basis of open international competitive bidding with parallel publication of tender notices in the EU Official Journal, as and where appropriate. The Promoter’s procurement procedures and needs for institutional strengthening will be reviewed during appraisal.


    Objective 1

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    À la une

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