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Référence: 20150698
Date de publication: 2 mars 2017

Promoteur – Intermédiaire Financier




The project concerns the 2016-2021 investment programme of Waterschap Hollandse Delta. The investment programme will focus on flood protection, wastewater treatment and other water management infrastructure.


The programme loan will finance the 2016-2021 investment programme of Waterschap Hollandse Delta, one of the 23 water authorities in the Netherlands in charge mainly of flood protection, regional water management and wastewater treatment. The investment programme will include primary dyke reinforcements and related flood protection structures along the selected sections of the 364 km of primary dykes under its responsibility between the river Haringvliet and the river Meuse, an area that lies in the south-west of the Province of Zuid-Holland. The programme will also entail wastewater treatment rehabilitation and maintenance works and construction works required for securing fresh water supply on Voorne and Goeree-Overflakkee islands as part of the alternative management of Haringvliet sluices.


Montant BEI envisagé (montant approximatif)

EUR 120 million

Coût total (montant approximatif)

EUR 270 million

Aspects environnementaux

Where and if applicable, the requirements of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive 2011/92/EU will be respected. The promoter will in such case, prior to utilising any EIB funds, be responsible for transmitting to the Bank the non-technical summary of the EIA for publication on the EIB's website. For any part of the project that may have an impact on a nature conservation site, the promoter will be required to inform the Bank on the mitigating measures required to comply with the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC.

Passation des marchés

The Bank will require the promoter to ensure that contracts for the implementation of the project have been/shall be tendered in accordance with the relevant applicable EU procurement legislation (Directives 2004/18/EC, or 2014/24/EU where applicable, and/or 2004/17/EC , or 2014/25/EU where applicable, and/or 2014/23/EU where applicable, as well as Directives 89/665/EEC and 92/13/EEC) as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the EU, with publication of tender notices in the Official Journal of the EU, as and where required.


Signé - 2/03/2017

Clause de non-responsabilité

Avant d’être approuvés par le Conseil d’administration et avant la signature des prêts correspondants, les projets font l’objet d’une instruction et de négociations. Par conséquent, les informations et données fournies sur cette page sont indicatives.
Elles sont fournies à des fins de transparence uniquement et ne peuvent être considérées comme représentant la politique officielle de la BEI (voir également les notes explicatives).

Mots-clés correspondants

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