Veröffentlichungsdatum: 10 Oktober 2012
Projektträger – zwischengeschaltetes Finanzinstitut
The Bank would provide a credit line of up to EUR 25 M from Investment Facility Resources to East African Development Bank (EADB) for on-lending to small and medium sized investment projects in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. The target final beneficiaries are enterprises in agro-industry, fishing, construction, food processing, manufacturing, tourism, healthcare, education or services related to these sectors.
EIB participation would support EADB's expansion of its lending portfolio, which would give EADB a more substantial role to play in promoting development in the four East African member countries and regional integration as foreseen in its Charter.
Vorgeschlagene EIB-Finanzierung (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
EUR 25 million
Gesamtkosten (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
Not applicable.
Compliance with EU and national environmental legislation and guidelines will be made a condition for each sub-project under the global loan.
EADB will ensure that the assets to be financed will be procured on a competitive basis taking into account the particular nature and size of the goods considered. A corresponding undertaking will be set out in the sub-finance contracts.
Unterzeichnet - 27/12/2012
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