Press Office
- European Investment Bank
- Communication Department
- 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer
- L-2950 Luxembourg
- Luxemburg
Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) hat heute ein umfangreiches Maßnahmenpaket beschlossen, für mehr Investitionen in Sicherheit und Verteidigung sowie kritische Rohstoffe.
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is lending the Croatian bank Privredna Banka Zagreb (PBZ), part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, €100 million to expand financing for a range of businesses in the country. The EIB lending to PBZ will enable it to increase loans to Croatian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Mid-Caps.
The European Investment Bank (EIB) signed 1.7 billion Polish zlotys (€405 million) to electricity supplier Energa to improve and expand Poland’s electricity network. This is the third and final tranche of a 3.5- billion-zloty loan to Orlen for upgrades to power distribution grid in northern and central Poland.