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The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is an EU flagship initiative with the purpose of mitigating the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It aims to make European economies and societies more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the green and digital transformation.

Similar to the shared management funds, EU Member States may invest RRF funds into eligible projects through financial instruments. The implementation of these instruments can be entrusted to the European Investment Bank. In addition to managing the RRF resources on behalf of EU Member States, the EIB may offer further financing and dedicated advisory support.

What is eligible

Eligible projects need to align with the six main pillars of the RRF. At least 37% of RRF spending must target climate transition and 20% digital transformation.

Green transition

Digital transformation

Social and territorial cohesion

Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Health and economic, social and institutional resilience

Policies for Next Generation

What we offer

The EIB can work with all EU Member States that wish to implement financial instruments using their RRF resources.

Financial instruments deployed by the EIB provide support to final recipients through:

  • direct lending, or
  • via financial intermediaries

Final recipients can benefit from support through financial intermediaries in the form of:

  • Loans
  • Guarantees
  • Quasi-equity and/or direct equity

Check the active EIB financial instruments in your country, to discover if your project is eligible for financing.

In combination with financial instruments, financing from EIB own resources could be provided to final recipients. This additional support could be for example through investment loans to eligible public or private promoters, and intermediated loans to financial intermediaries.

Eligible financial intermediaries include banks, financial institutions, investment funds (including special purpose entities), fund managers or other financial intermediaries, public or private. The selected financial intermediaries can receive financing from the established instrument in the form of:

  • Loans to support working capital and investments promoted by eligible projects/final recipients
  • Guarantees designed to lower repayment risk
  • Equity investments, mainly through funds to support the growth of companies

Interested financial intermediaries can participate in the programme via on-going calls for expression of interest.

In combination with financial instruments, financing from EIB own resources could be provided to final recipients. This additional support could be for example through investment loans to eligible public or private promoters, and intermediated loans to financial intermediaries.

RRF financial instruments in your country

The EIB currently manages four RRF financial instruments:

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