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Referenz: 20150045
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 28 April 2015

Projektträger – zwischengeschaltetes Finanzinstitut

FirstRand Bank Ltd, Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd, Nedbank Ltd, Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd



Credit facility for South African financial intermediaries to finance small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Mid-Caps. The facility contributes to private sector development in the Republic of South Africa.


Financing of sub-projects carried out by small and medium-sized companies.


This operation is covered by the EU Political Risk Guarantee for EIB loans outside the EU.


Vorgeschlagene EIB-Finanzierung (voraussichtlicher Betrag)

EUR 200 million

Gesamtkosten (voraussichtlicher Betrag)

Not applicable.


Final beneficiaries will be requested to comply with applicable national and EU legislation, as appropriate. Potential environmental and social risks identified at appraisal will be mitigated by adapting the side-letter with allocation conditions pertinent for the promoters and region in line with requirements under relevant EU directives.


Final beneficiaries will be requested to comply with applicable national and EU legislation, as appropriate.The Bank will require the promoter to ensure that implementation of the project will be done in accordance with the Bank’s Guide to Procurement. However, the operation will be limited to private sector entities only. Consequently, there are no public-procurement-related concerns.


Unterzeichnet - 29/09/2015


Bis Finanzierungen vom Verwaltungsrat genehmigt und anschließend unterzeichnet werden, befinden sich die Projekte in der Prüfungs- oder Verhandlungsphase. Die Angaben auf dieser Seite sind daher unverbindlich.
Sie dienen lediglich der Transparenz und stellen nicht die offizielle EIB-Politik dar (vgl. auch die erklärenden Anmerkungen).


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