Veröffentlichungsdatum: 16 November 2020
Projektträger – zwischengeschaltetes Finanzinstitut
A Framework Loan to the Development Bank of El Salvador to partly finance sustainable energy projects and to provide contingency financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The main purpose of the operation is to partly finance sustainable energy initiatives and to provide contingency financial support to SMEs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The energy component of this operation will contribute to the achievement of climate change mitigation, which is one of the high-level horizontal objectives of the External Lending Mandate (ELM), and to the development of sustainable economic growth and of the private sector. The SME component of this operation will support small and medium-sized enterprises impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in El Salvador.
- Energie - Energieversorgung
- Durchleitungsdarlehen - Durchleitungsdarlehen
Garantie im Rahmen des Außenmandats
This operation is covered by the ELM Guarantee.
Vorgeschlagene EIB-Finanzierung (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
USD 40 million (EUR 33 million)
Gesamtkosten (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
USD 60 million (EUR 49 million)
The energy component of the operation intends to generate environmental benefits by supporting renewable energy (i.e. solar photovoltaic, biogas and mini hydropower) and energy efficiency measures that help to mitigate climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. For the SME component of the operation, final beneficiaries will be requested to comply with applicable national legislation and the EIB's Environmental and Social Standards, as appropriate.
The Promoters and final beneficiaries of the sub-projects to be financed under this operation will be required to ensure that procurement of goods, works and services is carried out in accordance with the EIB's Guide to Procurement. It is expected that the Promoters of the energy component of the operation will be predominantly private entities and therefore will follow private procurement rules.
Unterzeichnet - 21/04/2021
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