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In March 2024, the EIB Inspector General commissioned an external review with experts to assess the need for a review of the EIB Complaints Mechanism Policy, including consultation with EIB Group stakeholders. The process is ongoing and expected to be completed by the end of 2024.


Giving citizens a greater voice in accountability

A large number of international financial institutions (IFIs), such as the EIB Group, have developed ways to give local communities a voice when their rights and interests are affected by IFI operations. The EIB Complaints Mechanism is member of the IFIs Independent Accountability Mechanisms (IAMs) network.

Discover in this video how these mechanisms work, and what they can do to ensure more sustainable and equitable development for everyone.

The complaints process

From admission to final outcome, discover the four stages of the typical complaints process, and what happens at each stage, or check the infographic.

Explore our cases

The Complaints Mechanism team works on cases in all EIB Group countries of operation. Since our creation, more than 500 cases have been registered and treated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check the answers to these and other questions: Who can complain and what about? How to do it? What happens if you are not satisfied with the outcome?

Submit a complaint

If you have a concern about an EIB Group project, policy or other activity, you can complain in writing directly to the Complaints Mechanism.

CM news and events

The EIB Group Complaints Mechanism organises and participates in outreach events, seminars and workshops throughout the year.


Contact us

You can contact the Complaints Mechanism in the following ways:

  • +352 437914005
  • +352 4379 63362
  • Complaints Mechanism, 98-100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2950 Luxembourg