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Complaints can be lodged in any of the official languages of the EU, by letter or fax addressed to the EIB’s Secretary General, by email to or via the complaints form. We will also consider complaints in non-EU languages spoken by those affected by EIB projects although processing times may need to be extended for the translation of documents.

Complainants need to identify themselves, clearly state the subject of the complaint and what he/she expects to achieve. The complainant should provide as much detailed and relevant information as possible about the complaint.

Complaints must be lodged within one year from the date on which the facts upon which the allegation is grounded could be reasonably known by the complainant.

Unless full confidentiality has been requested by the complainant, each admissible complaint will be published on the EIB website together with a summary of the case, the EIB-CM conclusions and the relevant reports. Even when the complainant has not requested confidentiality, EIB-CM reports do not disclose the identity of the complainant or other persons concerned by the complaint.

If you have a concern about an EIB Group project, policy or other activity, you can complain in writing directly to the Complaints Mechanism.

You can do this:

  • By e-mail:
  • By phone: +352 437914005
  • By letter: Complaints Mechanism, 98-100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2950 Luxembourg

If you consider the procurement process of a project challenges the Bank’s decision to finance it, you can lodge your complaint by filling this form.

For the sake of transparency, complaints are considered to be non-confidential. A non-confidential treatment means that the EIB Group has permission to disclose the information communicated in any representations to the relevant internal and external parties for the handling of the complaint. Complainants have the right to indicate in their communication that their complaint should be treated confidentially.