Release date: 2 August 2006
Promoter – Financial Intermediary
National Research and Technology Office (NKTH)
Dr. Ilona VASS, Vice President
H-1117 Budapest, Neumann J. u. 1/c
Tel.: +36 (1) 484 2925
Within the scope of the i2i initiative the loan will support the activities and the pluriannual 2005-2007 investment programme of the Hungarian Research and Technology Innovation Fund managed by the National Research and Technology Office (NKTH).
The operation is eligible for Bank support under Article 267 of the Treaty, points (a) objective 1 (strengthening of basic infrastructure potential) and (c) common interest – i2i (R&D) and human capital (education).
Research, development and innovation.
Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)
EUR 100 million.
Total cost (Approximate amount)
EUR 220 million.
Environmental aspects
Project promoters will have to consider the environmental impact of proposed R&D activities in the context of prevailing planning and environmental regulations. The R&D itself may result in the production of goods and services with improved environmental characteristics.
Hungarian public procurement law should comply fully with Directive EC/2004/18 and its predecessors, Directives 92/50/EEC, 93/36/EEC and 93/37/EEC.
Signed - 28/06/2007
Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).