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    Reference: 20100206
    Release date: 10 September 2010

    Promoter – Financial Intermediary

    General Directorate of Iller Bank
    - Mr. Bahaettin Kaptan
    Deputy General Director
    -Mr Ayhan Atli
    General Directorate of Iller Bank
    Ataturk Bulvari No. 21
    06053 Opera Ankara Turkey
    Phone : (+90 312) 508 70 44
    Fax : (+90 312) 508 70 96



    The operation will comprise investment schemes in the water, wastewater and solid waste sector in varying sizes throughout Turkey, using ILLER BANK as an intermediary that will be providing both financial and technical services to municipalities.


    Protection of Environment and Sustainable Communities.


    Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)

    EUR 150 million.

    Total cost (Approximate amount)

    EUR 300 million.

    Environmental aspects

    The investment schemes under this Framework Loan consist of water, wastewater and solid waste projects, and are geared toward achieving net environmental and public health improvements.Some individual schemes to be financed by this loan are likely to fall under the transposed Annex I or II of the EIA law, and hence require EIA’s. The Bank will require the Non Technical Summaries and details on the consultation process for review and publication on the Bank website. Since the EIA Directive is not fully transposed, the Bank will require that the process and analysis in substance comply with EU standards. Technical Assistance provided by the Bank will therefore cover also inputs on the EIA as appropriate.Depending on their location, individual schemes may also impact sensitive nature areas. In the absence of designated protected (Natura 2000) sites and until full transposition of the associated EU Habitats Directive is a reality, the Bank will demand that particular attention be paid to sites of nature conservation interest during the EIA.


    The Turkish public procurement law has been harmonised with the EC Directives, but some of the provisions are not yet fully in line with the EU legislation. Procurement under the operation will be carried out in accordance with the EIB Guide to Procurement. The Promoter has gained previous experience in international procurement through work with other International Finance Institutions and the EC


    Signed - 28/06/2012


    Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
    They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).

    Related tags

    Türkiye Water, sewerage Solid waste