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Reference: 20190319
Release date: 10 July 2020

Promoter – Financial Intermediary




The project involves the rehabilitation and extension of healthcare services and education infrastructure for the Medical Complex on Paprikovac Hill in Banja Luka, Republika Srpska. It comprises construction of the new Medical Campus of the University of Banja Luka for teaching and research, the reconstruction of the Technical-Economic Block (phase 2) for the University Clinical Centre Republika Srpska (UCCRS), and defining a strategy for the future development and long-term resilience of the UCCRS.

Additionality and Impact

The project involves the rehabilitation and extension of healthcare and education infrastructure for the Medical Complex on Paprikovac Hill in Banja Luka, Republika Srpska. Supporting an investment for human capital formation in the healthcare sector, it will create positive externalities comprising wider health effects, skills development and knowledge generation. The project supports the provision of healthcare services related to communicable diseases, antimicrobial resistance and other transnational areas considered as a Global Public Good. It will also contribute to expanding the supply of better qualified healthcare staff that is indispensable for the delivery of high-quality and sustainable healthcare services in the Republika Srpska. The Bank is substantially contributing to the development of this important health project for Bosnia and Herzegovina by providing financing conditions that are not available from other financial sources.


This project will improve the quality and efficiency of medical services provided and, therefore, will contribute to preserving the financial and operational viability of the public healthcare system. The construction of the new medical campus will increase the availability of medical staff in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).


Under Global Europe NDICI guarantee

Under EFSD+ Guarantee

Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)

EUR 75 million

Total cost (Approximate amount)

EUR 106 million

Environmental aspects

If located within the EU, the project would fall under Annex II of the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU amending the EIA Directive 2011/92/EU. As a potential candidate country to the EU, BiH has adopted the relevant EU Directives, including the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU amending the EIA Directive 2011/92/EU. Thus the requirement to carry out an environmental impact assessment (EIA) would be up to the discretion of the competent authorities, based on a case-by-case assessment or pre-defined criteria. The environmental assessment procedures to be applied will be verified during appraisal and should national procedures fall short of what would be required of the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU amending the EIA Directive 2011/92/EU, the necessary steps will be taken in order to ensure that the environmental aspects of the project will be dealt with in such a way as to meet the requirements of the Directive.


The Bank will require the Promoter to ensure that any procurement procedures are done in accordance with the Bank's Guide to Procurement and the relevant applicable EU public procurement rules.


Signed - 14/06/2023


Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).

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Bosnia and Herzegovina Education Health