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Since its establishment in 1958, the EU bank has invested over a trillion euros. While climate action is a part of everything we do, our activities focus on the following eight core strategic priorities:

  • Climate action and environmental sustainability,
  • digitalisation and technological innovation,
  • security and defence,
  • a modern cohesion policy,
  • agriculture and bioeconomy,
  • social infrastructure,
  • high-impact global investment, and
  • capital markets union.

The EIB works closely with other EU institutions to foster European integration, promote the development of the EU and support EU policies in over 160 countries around the world.

Through EIB Global, set up in 2022 to increase the impact of our development finance, we help address global challenges and create growth and opportunity in all continents.

Quick facts

Headquarters and history

Founded in Brussels in 1958, the EIB moved to Luxembourg in 1968. Explore our historypast presidents and find out more about our buildings

Facts and figures

The EIB Group has a strong focus on impact. Find an assessment of the macroeconomic contribution of its activities in Europe and key statutory figures

What we offer

We offer loans, guarantees, equity investments and advisory services. Read more about our financial products

Our priorities

We are one of the biggest multilateral financial institutions in the world and one of the largest providers of climate finance. We support projects that promote the EU's objectives. Find out more

European Investment Fund

The EIF, which is part of the EIB Group, supports Europe's micro, small and medium-sized enterprises by providing equity capital, loans and guarantees through a wide network of selected financial intermediaries. Learn more

Our people

The EIB now has more than 4 000 staff members, both in Luxembourg and in external offices. Find out more about working with us

Where we work

We work in over 160 countries, inside the EU and beyond. Explore our projects

Our projects

We help finance large and small-scale investment projects that support EU policy objectives. Discover our projects across Europe and around the world

Tackling global challenges

We believe that the need for multilateral action and effective support of development and growth outside Europe has never been greater. Find out how the EIB and its partners work together

Funding the EIB

Each Member State’s share in the Bank’s capital is based on its economic weight within the EU at the time of its accession. Find a breakdown of EIB capital

Our resources

The EIB is financially autonomous and raises money by issuing bonds on the capital markets. Our excellent credit rating means we raise money at good rates. Find out more about our resources and green bonds

Our clients

We lend to the public and private sectors. We support small companies through local banks while mid-caps can receive direct support for research and development investments. Explore the Bank's products and services

At a glance