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    The European Investment Bank (EIB) acts as a catalyst to better understand the challenges of investing in Europe’s economy and meet the financing needs of that investment.

    The goal of the EIB Economics Department is to act as a hub for research into investment and investment finance across Europe. We bring together our own research and unique data sources with top-level research all over Europe, providing an entry point for researchers and a platform for dialogue.

    We also play a critical role in supporting EIB operations through the analysis of the changing economic context, investment opportunities and risks, helping to define the Bank’s positioning, strategy and policy in Europe and beyond. We work to enhance the Bank’s ability to assess risks and track the impacts of its investments at both micro- and macroeconomic levels.

    With a core team of 40 economists, the EIB Economics department is led by Director Debora Revoltella.

    Our activities at a glance

    Research and policy reports on the EU economy and beyond

    Keeping track of key economic trends with EIB surveys

    Tracking the Bank’s impact at macro and micro level

    Stay up to date with our latest research findings

    Bringing together experts and stakeholders across the EU

    In focus

    EIB Investment Survey 2023: EU overview

    Corporate investment in the European Union is holding up surprisingly well, despite slowing economic growth, tightening credit and rising uncertainty. While conditions are difficult, firms realise they need to make up for a lack of investment over the past three years in critical areas like digitalisation, climate change and the green transition, according to the results of the most recent EIB Investment Survey.

    The EIB Investment Survey 2023, looks at data collected for some 13 000 firms in the EU members and the United States, focusing on firm characteristics, performance, investment activities, sources of finance, and challenges firms face, such as climate change and digital transformation.


    Have a question?

    You can contact our economists at The EIB Institute also provides research funding opportunities.