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    Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that meet certain criteria, as well as (groups of) members of the public fulfilling certain requirements may, under the conditions set out in Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 of 6 September 2006 as amended by Regulation (EU) 2021/1767 of 6 October 2021 (“Aarhus Regulation”), request the EIB to carry out an internal review of its administrative acts or omissions on the grounds that such an act or omission contravenes provisions of environmental law.

    Such requests must be submitted within eight weeks after the EIB’s administrative act was adopted, notified or published, whichever is the latest, or, in the case of an alleged administrative omission, eight weeks after the date when the EIB’s administrative act would have been required. The request must state the grounds for the review.

    Requests for internal review may be submitted to the EIB by e-mail to the following address:

    The EIB will publish all requests for internal review as soon as possible after their receipt, as well as all final decisions on those requests as soon as possible after their adoption.

    Personal data

    Requesters are asked to omit or redact any personal data in the annexes to their request that are not necessary for its processing. The EIB will process any personal data received as described in the privacy statement. In submitting a request for internal review, requesters acknowledge this privacy statement.

    Useful links

    Repository of requests for internal review and final decisions

    1. Request for Internal Review of the Decision of the Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank of 6 February 2024, approving the financing proposal for the Poklecani Wind Farm in Bosnia and Herzegovina.