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The EIB Group in numbers

2023 highlights

Nearly €88 billion of new financing for high-impact projects

The European Investment Bank Group signed €87.85 billion of new financing for high-impact projects in areas including climate action, sustainable infrastructure, and healthcare in 2023.

€20 billion

to support small businesses and mid-caps

€19.8 billion

for innovation, digital and human capital

€21.3 billion

for sustainable cities and regions

€26.8 billion

for sustainable energy and natural resources

Climate action and environmental sustainability

€49 billion

In 2023 the EIB Group directly financed €49 billion for climate action and environmental sustainability, up from €38 billion in 2022. With €349 billion of green investment supported since 2021, the EIB Group is on track to achieve the goal of €1 trillion of green financing supported by the end of the decade.


€21 billion

In 2023 the Bank’s investments included more than €21 billion as part of REPowerEU, an initiative designed to reduce Europe's dependence on fossil fuels and accelerate the green transition.

Cohesion: bringing value to every EU country

€36 billion

More than 45% of the EIB Group’s financing inside the EU went to support cohesion regions, with close to 20% going to less developed regions in the EU, where the per capita gross domestic product is less than 75% of the EU average.

More impact on the ground

Our 2023 operations will result into tangible benefits for people all over the world, from safer drinking water to better health and education services.

Enough electricity to power 13.8 million households

That's more than half of all households in Italy

254 million additional passenger trips on public transport

The number of trips taken annually in the Amsterdam metro

130.6 million people with better health services

That's more than the combined population of Germany and Poland

4.9 million people with safer drinking water

More than the population of Croatia

11.6 million people with enabled 5G services

The combined population of London and Paris

1.2 million students in better schools and universities

That's almost the number of all university students in Spain

5.4 million jobs

sustained in the 400 000 small businesses and mid-caps supported by the EIB Group

1.9 million people

with improved sanitation

1.5 million people

facing reduced flooding risk

EIB Group financing

The EIB Group includes the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund. The EIB is one of the world’s largest multilateral borrowers and lenders and EIF supports small businesses by improving their access to finance in Europe and a number of non-EU countries.

€75.14 billion

of EIB financing

€14.91 billion

of EIF financing

EIB Group Activity Report 2023


Our activity report includes data on the dimensions of our massive overall investment and the importance of our loans to each of our beneficiaries in 2023. It notes the EU policies and expertise that lead us to make each of our investments.

Boosting competitiveness across the EU and around the world

The Group’s total financing in 2023 is expected to mobilise around €320 billion in investment to support 400 000 companies and 5.4 million jobs.

€20 billion

to support small businesses and mid-caps

400 000

number of small businesses and mid-caps supported

5.4 million jobs

supported through the EIB Group’s financing

EIB Global: Financing across the globe

In a turbulent year, EIB Global invested over €8.4 billion globally, with nearly half going to the world’s most vulnerable countries. It mobilised €27 billion for the EU Global Gateway initiative, on track to reach €100 billion by 2027.

With more than €300 million provided in 2023, the EIB’s total support to Ukraine reached €2 billion since the start of the war. In addition, the EU4U Fund, accompanied by an additional €100 million in technical assistance, was set up in 2023 to further aid Ukraine’s economic recovery.

€8.4 billion

for investments outside of the EU

€27 billion

investments supported under the EU Global Gateway initiative

€2 billion

over €2 billion aid to Ukraine since the start of the war

2023 annual results

Press kit

Annual results announcement for 2023

EIB President Nadia Calviño’s overview of the EIB Group's 2023 activities

Key figures

Available in:
English - French - German 
Spanish - Italian

Additional resources

Key publications

*All figures are for the EIB Group unless otherwise specified.