European Excellence Award winner 2020: Sustainability & Environment
2021 In2 SABRE Award winner Social Media & Community Management: Best Use of Social Publishing / Blogs
2020 SABRE Award nominee for Digital and social media marketing communications: Government agency
2022 Digital Communications Award nominee: Digital publishing (Blog, podcast, magazine, newsroom)
Climate change is humanity’s biggest problem. The Climate Solutions podcast tells you exactly what you can do to fight climate change. From the way you heat your home to the food you eat and the digital devices you use, Climate Solutions is your checklist for climate action.
“Climate Solutions" is also available as an e-book.
«Soluciones para el clima» es una serie de podcasts premiada del Banco Europeo de Inversiones. Sabemos que detener el cambio climático va a ser muy caro. Tendremos que construir más parques eólicos y solares. Tendremos que renovar edificios y fabricar coches eléctricos. Necesitaremos nuevas tecnologías que todavía no hemos llegado a imaginar. Para pagar la factura, necesitaremos financiación verde. Pero, ¿qué es eso? Para averiguarlo, suscríbase a «Soluciones para el clima: Diccionario de finanzas verdes».
Episode 15
Episode 14
Episode 13
Episode 12
Episode 11
Episode 10
Episode 9
Episode 8
Episode 7
Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1