• The loan signed is the first tranche of up to €430 million in EIB approved credit.
  • The financing will support key investments from the 2021-2027 operational programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
  • The loan will go to projects in sectors such as water management, energy efficiency and digitalisation.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a €180 million loan with the government of Catalonia to support investments to be implemented in Catalonia under the 2021-2027 operational programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The goal of the ERDF operational programme is to help regions roll out green, social and digital investments , in line with the objectives of the EU cohesion policy it puts into practice.

The financing is the first tranche of up to €430 million in EIB approved credit to co-finance strategic projects in various areas including research, development and innovation, water use and management, digitalisation, the energy efficiency of public buildings, biodiversity protection and improved access to public health services for vulnerable groups.

The transaction is in line with the following EIB public policy goals: innovation, digitalisation and human capital, sustainable energy and natural resources, and sustainable cities and regions. The EIB framework loan also supports EU priorities such as the green and digital transitions, healthcare, and regional and urban development.

“We're delighted to sign this agreement, which will promote projects in strategic sectors of the economy, with a positive impact on the quality of life of residents and the economic and social cohesion of the region via the economic growth and jobs these investments will bring,” said EIB Vice-President Ricardo Mourinho Félix at the signing ceremony held in Luxembourg today. “With a specific contribution to EIB cross-cutting goals such as climate action and environmental sustainability, the financing aims to strengthen green transition and competitiveness in many sectors.”

Minister of the Economy and Finance in the government of Catalonia, Natàlia Mas Guix, said: “This is a very important operation for the Generalitat, which helps us to promote strategic projects for Catalonia in priority areas such as water management and regeneration, investment in research centres, decarbonisation of mobility and energy efficiency.” “Furthermore, this loan allows us to diversify our sources of financing and demonstrates that major institutions such as the European Investment Bank have confidence in the Catalan economy and see the Generalitat as a reliable administration.”


The European Investment Bank Group (EIB Group), consisting of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF), reported total financing signatures of over €9.9 billion for Spain in 2022, including record financing for climate action and environmental sustainability projects.