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The fight against climate change requires collective action — from governments, institutions, businesses and individuals. A good understanding of the climate challenge is essential for people to make informed choices. To assess the public’s understanding of climate change in Finland, the sixth edition of the EIB Climate Survey focuses on people’s knowledge of climate change in three key areas: definitions and causes, consequences, and solutions. Participants answered 12 questions and were ranked on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 indicating the highest level of knowledge. With over 30 000 respondents across 35 countries, including the EU Member States, the United Kingdom, the United States, China, Japan, India and Canada, the EIB Climate Survey provides valuable insights into people’s overall understanding of climate change.

Key findings

  • Finns rank first in the EU27 (score of 7.22/10), placing them well above the EU average of 6.37/10, according to the EIB survey. On the scoreboard Finland is followed by Luxembourg (7.19/10) and Sweden (6.96/10) in a knowledge test on the causes and consequences of climate change and solutions to address it.
  • Overall knowledge gaps: Finns are very aware of the causes and consequences of climate change but there is room for improvement in their knowledge about solutions. Similarly to the findings in most EU countries, a large share of Finnish respondents did not know that reducing speed limits on roads (77%) or better insulating buildings (63%) can help combat climate change.
  • Generational gap: 20- to 29-year-olds know less than people over 30 when it comes to the causes and consequences of climate change and solutions to address it, scoring 6.80/10 overall compared to 7.33/10 for people over 30.

How well do people understand the causes of climate change?

The first sub-index focuses on the definition and causes of climate change. In this area, Finns scored far above the EU average (8.31/10 compared to 7.21/10), ranking first in the European Union.

  • When it came to defining climate change, most Finnish respondents (85%, 14 percentage points above the EU average) selected the correct definition (“A long-term shift in global climate patterns”), while only 5% believe that climate change is a hoax. 
  • Over three-quarters (79%) are also aware that the main causes of climate change are human activities such as deforestation, agriculture, industry and transport. Meanwhile, less than a quarter of the respondents believe otherwise (14% thinking it is caused by extreme natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions and heatwaves, and 7% believing that climate change is caused by the ozone hole).
  • When asked about the three biggest greenhouse gas emitters worldwide, most Finns (85%, 13 percentage points above the EU average) correctly selected the United States, China and India.

How aware are people of the consequences of climate change?

When asked about the consequences of climate change, Finns scored 8.25/10 (ranking third in the European Union), which is a very good score and well above the EU average (7.65/10).

  • 79% know that it has a negative impact on human health (for example, it can lead to an increase in air pollutants such as ground-level ozone and particulate matter).
  • 89% also correctly said that climate change is worsening world hunger by affecting crop yields due to extreme weather.
  • Regarding the impact of climate change on sea levels, 80% of Finns correctly said that the global sea level is rising, but a fifth (20%) got it wrong: more specifically, 9% of respondents said that it is falling and 11% said that climate change has no specific impact on the sea level.
  • The impact of climate change on migration, with increased forced displacement worldwide, is clear to most people in the country (82%, 13 percentage points above the EU average). However, 18% were unaware of the impact on migration.

Knowledge of how to combat climate change varies

In the last sub-index, Finnish respondents scored 5.10/10, above the EU average of 4.25/10 but still indicating significantly less knowledge of actions that can help mitigate climate change compared to the other two areas investigated. This highlights a general trend across EU countries, with most of them receiving low scores in this area. This relatively low score still places Finland second out of 27 EU countries.

  • Most Finns (76%) know that using recyclable products can help mitigate climate change.
  • 71% correctly said that using public transport instead of an individual car is a step in the right direction.
  • 65% (23 percentage points above the EU average) are also aware that buying new clothes less frequently can help.
  • But only a minority (37%, 7 percentage points below the EU average) know that better insulating buildings can help fight climate change.
  • Less than a quarter of people in Finland (23%, 3 percentage points below the EU average of 26%) seem to know that reducing the speed limit on roads would also help.
  • Additionally, most Finns are unaware of the significant impact that digital usage has on the climate, with only 11% saying that watching fewer videos online can contribute to reducing emissions.
  • Unlike in most countries in Europe, a majority of Finns (72%) were able to correctly define an individual’s carbon footprint as “the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions emitted by a person in a year.”

Generational gap 

Knowledge about climate change varies depending on different aspects of people’s sociodemographic profiles. One of the most notable correlations is with age. Respondents aged 20-29 in Finland scored lower than people over 30 (overall score of 6.80/10 compared to 7.33/10, respectively). In some areas, this generational gap in knowledge is significant.

  • There is a particularly significant generational gap in people’s understanding of the definition and causes of climate change (7.80 for people aged 20-29 compared to 8.41 for people over 30).
  • This gap is also notable on the second sub-index about the consequences of climate change (7.75 for people aged 20-29 compared to 8.42 for people over 30).
  • The difference in scores is less significant when it comes to what can be done to fight climate change (4.86 for people aged 20-29 compared to 5.18 for people over 30).

As the EU's financing arm, the EIB is investing in major projects across Finland to support the country's green transition.  Recent examples include investments in Finnish Helen Group and their renewable energy generation facilities, which will unlock two new renewable sources for district heating. The EIB will also finance conversion of existing power plants from coal to sustainable biomass which will further reduce country`s dependence on fossil fuels and accelerate Finish transition to carbon-neutral economy.

EIB Vice-President Thomas Östros: “Climate change can only be limited if we work together. It is important to identify and address the knowledge gaps found in the EIB Climate Survey. At the EIB, we provide financing to fight climate change, but we also recognise our role in contributing to the debate and education around the issue. Education is a powerful tool for change. We are committed to complementing our financing with initiatives that promote climate awareness and knowledge. This is how we build a sustainable future that leaves no one behind.”

Background information

Data and methodology

The survey methodology, questionnaire and full dataset can be downloaded here.

About the European Investment Bank

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its Member States. It is active in more than 160 countries and makes long-term finance available for sound investment in order to contribute towards EU policy goals. You can find more information about the EIB and climate education here.

About BVA Xsight

BVA Xsight is a pioneer in market research and consulting.