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400.000.000 €
Frankreich : 400.000.000 €
Bildung : 400.000.000 €
15/10/2009 : 400.000.000 €
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11 Juni 2009
Unterzeichnet | 15/10/2009
Projektträger – Finanzintermediär
PACA Secondary Schools

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region

Vorgeschlagene EIB-Finanzierung (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
Gesamtkosten (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
Up to EUR 150 million.
EUR 250 to 300 million.

Design and construction of several secondary schools and an international school in southeast France.

The schools will have a total capacity of approximately 5 700 pupils and a combined surface area of about 80 000 m². The design and construction of the schools concerns the following:

  • Manosque international school with a capacity of 1 000 pupils, providing lessons in ten languages, a 70-place dormitory and sports and cultural facilities.
  • Drap secondary school with a capacity of 900 pupils, including sports and cultural facilities.
  • La Fourragère secondary school with a capacity of 1 300 pupils, including sports and cultural facilities.
  • Vaison la Romaine secondary school with a capacity of 530 pupils, to be added to an existing restructured college, which includes sports and cultural facilities.
  • Velaux secondary school for general education with a capacity of 900 pupils, including sports and cultural faciltiies.
  • Saint Mitre secondary school for general and vocational education with a capacity of 1 100 pupils, including sports and cultural faciltiies.

The project will contribute to improving the human capital reserves of the PACA Region, and of France in general. A good level of education and effective involvement and integration of the population are crucial for both the current and future economic situation and the intellectual and social development of a country. The project is therefore fully in line with the EIB's human capital objective.

The investments are also eligible on the basis of the improved energy efficiency of the buildings. All the projects will meet with very high environmental protection and sustainable development criteria. These schools comply with High Environmental Quality initiative and some of them are designed to the Very High Environmental Quality standard.


The project consists of new buildings and extensions for the education system. Directive 97/11/EC does not specifically mention the need for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for education-related buildings; however, this project could qualify as an urban regeneration project (Annex II to the European Directive). This point will have to be examined as part of the detailed analysis.

All the projects meet with very high environmental protection and sustainable development criteria. The schools comply with the High Environmental Quality initiative and some of them are designed to the Very High Environmental Quality standard.

Tendering procedures applied for public buildings are required to comply with Community procurement directives (Directives 2004/17/EC and 2004/18/EC amended by Commission Regulation 1874/2004).

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