Veröffentlichungsdatum: 10 Oktober 2019
Projektträger – zwischengeschaltetes Finanzinstitut
The project consists of the reconstruction, upgrading and coastal protection of the Sao Tome City's main avenue, Avenida Marginal 12 de Julho. The project aims to improve the road safety and connectivity, being the key part of the primary national road network and core element of the capital's urban regeneration and tourism development.
The project aims to improve safety for pedestrians, motorised as well as non-motorised vehicles on the road and the hinterland, its connectivity as transport and coastal protection corridor and ultimately its climate resilience. The project will also include Technical Assistance for project preparation and implementation. In detail, the project will: i) improve the connection between the capital and the country's main airport; ii) improve the mobility conditions within the capital area; iii) contribute to the improvement of the overall road network by enhancing the link between the national roads EN1, EN2 and EN3; iv) increase the protection of the coastal stretch along the road against erosion and flooding; v) increase the attractiveness of the capital's waterfront for both locals and tourism development; and vi) improve accessibility to the coast and the conditions of fishery landing sites.
The project is in full support of investments in transport infrastructure (SDG 9), Climate Action (SDG 13) and sustainable and resilient cities (SDG 11), by reducing road users' cost and increasing transport and urban infrastructure resilience, a pre-condition for poverty reduction (SDG 1) and achieving sustainable economic growth (SDG 8). It will also directly contribute to the implementation of Sao Tome's "Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)", agreed under the COP 21 'Paris Agreement, which prioritises climate adaptation measures.
- Verkehr - Verkehr und Lagerei
Under Global Europe NDICI guarantee
Under EFSD+ Guarantee
Vorgeschlagene EIB-Finanzierung (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
EUR 15 million
Gesamtkosten (voraussichtlicher Betrag)
EUR 28 million
The proposed investments will focus on essential road rehabilitation and coastal protection with direct positive impact in people's livelihoods and the Sao Tome island's environment. The project was subject to a preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), which will be complemented during project preparation with additional studies as needed. An Environmental Permit has been issued for the project. An environmental and social management plan (ESMP) will be part of the project preparation. Details will be assessed during appraisal.
It is required that the promoter ensures that implementation of the project will be done in accordance with the EIB's Guide to Procurement.
Unterzeichnet - 19/12/2019
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