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Reference: SG/E/2022/06
Received Date: 24 March 2022
Subject: Bangalore Metro Rail Project - Line R6
Complainant: Confidential
Allegations: Alleged negative social impacts of the project
Type: E - Environmental and social impacts of financed projects
Dispute Resolution*

* Admissibility date reflects the date the case was officially registered. All other dates pertain to the date in which a stage was completed.

Case Description

On 24 March 2022, the EIB Group Complaints Mechanism received a complaint regarding the Bangalore metro rail project (line 6). Growthwatch, a voluntary research and advocacy institution based in India, is representing and supporting a group of affected students who studied at the Technical Training Centre for the Deaf (TTCD) in Bengaluru. The buildings of TTCD were demolished in 2019 for the construction of an underground station that forms part of the project. The association that was operating the TTCD decided to discontinue the activities of the training centre. The promoter organised the transfer of three teachers and 41 remaining students enrolled for the academic year 2018–2020 to a private educational establishment in Bengaluru.

In February 2022, before the engagement of the Complaints Mechanism, Growthwatch and the promoter agreed on several actions to address the issues encountered by the students at that time. While the outcome of the dialogue was appreciated by the parties and led to the payment of first stipends to the students, according to Growthwatch, the promoter has not entirely fulfilled the commitments made.

Building on the exchanges between the parties and the achievements reached thus far, the Complaints Mechanism considered in its initial assessment that a facilitated dialogue would be beneficial to address the remaining issues encountered by the students in a constructive way. In particular, the Complaints Mechanism noted that time was of the essence to ensure that students are well prepared for the exams and obtain their certification as soon as possible.

Growthwatch and the promoter agreed to discuss the following topics in the dispute resolution process facilitated by the Complaints Mechanism: i) Training and support for the certification; ii) Mental health; iii). Jobs; iv) Stipend; v) Communication; vi) New technical training centre for the deaf; vii) Financial compensation. The parties held two facilitated dialogue sessions in person in Bengaluru and one online joint session. The facilitation team also held numerous meetings with Growthwatch and the promoter separately. The facilitated dialogue resulted in an agreement on the way forward with respect to implementation of the agreed actions. However, the parties did not reach an agreement on Growthwatch’s latest request for reparation in the form of financial compensation to students for the time lost, and the mental and emotional hardship faced. According to Growthwatch, this demand remained unaddressed.

The Complaint Mechanism closed the complaint with the issuance of the dispute resolution report in June 2023 without further investigation. The Complaints Mechanism will monitor the implementation of the actions agreed in the dispute resolution process.