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Reference: SG/E/2011/12
Received Date: 30 September 2011
Subject: Roads Rehabilitation VI, Romania
Complainant: Individual, Romania
Allegations: Overflooding rain water following road rehabilitation and failure to comply with environmental protection law.
Type: E - Environmental and social impacts of financed projects
Outcome*: No grounds
Suggestions for improvement: no
Dispute Resolution*

* Admissibility date reflects the date the case was officially registered. All other dates pertain to the date in which a stage was completed.

Case Description

On 30 September 2011, the complainant lodged a complaint with the EIB concerning the Roads Rehabilitation VI project in Romania.

In addition, the complainant reported inappropriate quality of rehabilitation works in the contested section and therefore, the complainant took the view that the Promoter failed to comply with the legal requirements and conditions of the works.

The Project

The project comprises the strengthening and upgrading to current traffic standards of 13 road sections of 1112 km of the Romanian network throughout the country and represents a continuation of five previous road rehabilitation projects in Romania financed by the Bank. The project will also include measures to improve road safety in the localities along the road sections concerned. Some of the selected schemes form part of or provide access to the Pan-European Corridors IV and IX and/or to future TEN networks.

Findings and Conclusions

From the gathered information and the inquiry carried out, the EIB-CM takes note that decisions regarding replacement, reparation and construction of the water discharge networks and culverts fall under the responsibility of the Municipality and not of CNADNR.

In this regard, it is important to highlight that according to the EIB Complaints Mechanism Principles, Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure (CMPTR), the EIB-CM is not competent to investigate complaints concerning national, regional or local authorities.

With regard to the alleged flooding of private land; from the gathered information it appears that the flooding occurred before the execution of the rehabilitation works and that unauthorised items which had been constructed by the local population caused the drainage to be undersized which consequently led to an accumulation of drain water under the culvert, aggravating the situation of the drain water in the location.

In this context, the EIB-CM requested the Promoter to notify the National competent authorities in order for the latter to take the appropriate actions in this respect. The EIB-CM took note that on 31 October 2012 the Promoter accordantly notified the Municipality regarding the complainant’s concerns and the current situation on the site. In this regard, the complainant may consider the possibility to follow-up with the Municipality should he wish to pursue the matter further.

Therefore, The EIB-CM proceeds to the closing of the allegations with no recommendation.