* Admissibility date reflects the date the case was officially registered. All other dates pertain to the date in which a stage was completed.
Case Description
On 16 July 2013, a confirmatory complaint was lodged to the EIB Complaints Mechanism (EIB-CM) concerning the "Terminal Contenedores Cadiz" project in Spain. Reference was made made to three main allegations:
1. Allegations concerning the financing by the EIB of the new lock of the port of Seville and its potential environmental implications;
2. Allegations concerning the financing by the EIB of the container terminal located in the Bay of Cádiz;
3. Allegations concerning the activities of the Vice President of the Bank.
EIB-CM Action
The EIB-CM has carried out an assessment of the allegations taking into consideration (i) the findings and conclusions of the EIB-CM Conclusions Report dated 2 of October 2012; and (ii) the EIB’s relevant documents for the EIB’s decision-making process. In addition, the EIB-CM liaised with the EIB services as well as with the concerned services of the European Commission that dealt with the complaint that the complainants lodged with them concerning the same project.
It appears that the allegations (1) and (2) refer to two different projects financed by the EIB that followed separate approval processes in different years. Given that a report has already been published on the 2nd October 2012 concerning the allegations of the Cádiz Container Port Terminal, the new environmental allegations on the financing of the Puerto de Sevilla will be addressed by the EIB-CM in a separate report.
As regards allegation (3), the EIB Compliance Office (OCCO) examined the part of the documentation the complainants submitted related to the activities of Vice President. The documentation does not appear to contain any further substantial elements compared to the previous allegations put forward, to which OCCO had already replied in detail. Therefore, OCCO confirms the conclusion expressed in its first reply whereby no indication of a possible violation of rules and procedures of the EIB is given.
As a result, the EIB-CM addressed the issues concerning the allegation on the project of the Container Terminal of the Port of Cádiz, which has been treated as a confirmatory complaint.
The EIB-CM has not found any evidence of maladministration by the EIB concerning the processing of the Cádiz Container Port Terminal project and, therefore, proceeds to close the case.