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Reference: SG/E/2023/09
Received Date: 11 April 2023
Subject: Zenata Urban Development
Complainant: Individual
Allegations: Alleged unfair exclusion from the resettlement programme
Type: E - Environmental and social impacts of financed projects
Dispute Resolution*

* Admissibility date reflects the date the case was officially registered. All other dates pertain to the date in which a stage was completed.

Case Description

The EIB Complaints Mechanism received a complaint registered under the case reference SG/E/2023/09 from an individual regarding the Zenata Urban Development Project implemented in the Commune of Ain Harrouda, between Casablanca and Mohammedia in Morocco. The project involves the resettlement of more than 40,000 persons. The complainant informed the EIB-CM that him, his wife and his child had been excluded from the resettlement process altogether. The local project level grievance mechanism had indeed initially considered the complainant to be ineligible for the resettlement.

The EIB-CM was informed by the complainant on 15 June 2023 that the local grievance mechanism had reviewed his family’s situation and proposed a solution, which the complainant has accepted.  The project has an “integration process” enabling under certain conditions the integration and compensation of originally non-entitled household members in order to take into account demographic changes. As the complainant is satisfied with the solution found, he has requested that his complaint be withdrawn. The EIB-CM therefore decided to close this case. The final reply was issued to the complainant on 6 July 2023.

Project Information