- Date: 04/02/2017
- Reference: TA2015002
Contract award notice
- OJEU ref. 2017/S 25-43368 of 04/02/2017
Shortlist Notice
- OJEU ref. 2016/S 142-256226 of 26/07/2016
- OJEU ref. 2016/S 95-170069 of 19/05/2016
Contract notice
- OJEU ref. 2016/S 87-153059 of 04/05/2016
- Deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 26/01/2016
Cancellation of a contract notice
- OJEU ref. 2016/S 85-149366 of 30/04/2016
Contract notice
- OJEU ref. 2016/S 39-62967 of 25/02/2016
- Deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 26/01/2016
Forecast Notice
- OJEU ref. 2015/S 218-396838 of 11/11/2015