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La BEI soutient la société publique locale Eau du Ponant pour la modernisation de son réseau d’eau et son adaptation au changement climatique
La Banque européenne d’investissement et Eau du Ponant ont signé un accord de prêt de 80 millions d’euros afin de financer dans les cinq prochaines années les plans pluriannuels d'investissement de Brest Métropole et de la Communauté d'agglomération du Pays de Landerneau-Daoulas, portés par la société publique locale. En charge de la production et de la distribution de l’eau potable ainsi que de la collecte et du traitement des eaux usés Eau du Ponant est la première SPL de l’eau à bénéficier en France d’un accompagnement de la BEI.
Ayvens signs a new financing agreement with the EIB to extend its range of electric light commercial vehicles
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Ayvens, a leading global sustainable mobility player, signed in December 2024 a new financing agreement to rollout a fleet of 19 000 electric light commercial vehicles (eLCV) in Europe, primarily in Germany, France, Italy, and the Netherlands, over the next three years. This agreement, which breaks down into a EUR 350 million credit envelope granted by the EIB (on favourable financial conditions) and an equivalent EUR 350 million co-investment made by Ayvens, will help companies to finance their electric transition.
France: EIB and Orano sign a loan agreement for €400 million relating to the project to extend the Georges Besse 2 uranium enrichment plant
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Orano have announced the signing of a loan agreement for €400 million intended to finance a part of the investments in the project to extend the Georges Besse 2 uranium enrichment plant located in Tricastin (Drôme/Vaucluse, France).