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In accordance with its Rules of Procedure, the EIB convenes its Board of Directors at least six times a year. In line with its transparency policy, the Bank publishes:

  • the meeting agenda consisting of a simplified and adapted version of the list of projects to be examined. The agenda is published as from four days before the meeting;
  • the provisional summary of the decisions taken, along with the list of conflicts of interest declared by the participants with respect to a project to be financed. The summary is published within ten working days after the meeting;

Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest recorded during this session:

  • project "Human Capital Co-Financing Framework Loan" (Hungary), Z. Urbán
  • project "BNP PARIBAS V Loan for SMES" (France), O. Henin
  • project "UBI Group Loan for SMEs and Other Priorities" (Italy), C. Monticelli
  • project "TI Rete Mobile a Banda Larga Project" (Italy), C. Monticelli
  • project "AIB Loan for SMEs and Mid-Caps" (Ireland), M. Somers
  • project "Greek Motorways (TEN-T)" (Greece), A. Nawrath
  • project "CLSG Interconnection Project" (Regional - West Africa), A. Nawrath