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In order to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is critical to mobilize private finance at greater speed and scale. Financial innovations, new technologies and digitalization have the potential to contribute significantly to this task. Against this backdrop, the United Nation’s Secretary-General has appointed the Task Force on Digital Financing of the SDGs to investigate how this potential can be unlocked while managing at the same time the associated risks.

This high-level conference will introduce the Task Force’s results and the outcomes of the “German Sustainable Fintech Stocktake” undertaken by the Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance to relevant actors from business, politics, civil society and academia in Germany and Europe. The aim is to create a space for discussion on new trends in the finance sector and how to leverage innovation for financing sustainable development with key actors from the digital, sustainability and finance sectors and aims to trigger off further initiatives by these and other actors.

The event will consist of sessions with impulses and panel discussions but will also allow for comments and questions from the audience. The conference will be followed by a reception.

About the organisers:

The German Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Germany) was founded in April 2014 by leading German knowledge centres. The network pools knowledge, experience and capacities of German academic, corporate and civil society organisations in order to contribute to the sustainable development of Germany as well as to German efforts for sustainable development across the globe.

The overall objective of the Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance is to leverage digital technologies & innovations to enhance financing for sustainable development.

UN Secretary General’s Task Force on Digital Financing of the SDGs is mandated to put forward a concrete, actionable set of recommendations to identify ways through which the digital revolution should be harnessed to help advance the SDGs.


Please register by email at by 17 January 2020. For further information on the conference, please contact Janina Sturm (