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    President Werner Hoyer and Vice-Presidents Ambroise Fayolle and Thomas Östros participated in a number of events during the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations (UNGA). The event gathered global leaders to discuss strategies to confront the poly-crises our world faces and determined ways to accelerate the 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    In the margins of UNGA, the European Investment Bank co-hosted with Project Syndicate an event on Climate & Development Finance.

    The EIB experts also took part in Climate Week NYC (17-24 September), the biggest global climate event of its kind.

    Our key events

    • SDG Action Weekend: Regaining lost ground in the LLDCs - The role of trade and digitalisation
      Vice-President Thomas Östros discussed EIB's role in enhancing market access, promoting financial inclusion and innovation for small companies in landlocked developing countries (LLDCs).
        More about the event
    • SDG Summit: UN-Habitat – Localising SDGs High Impact Initiative
      Vice-President Östros participated as a panellist.
        Read Vice-President Östros's speech
        Replay the livestream
        More about the Summit
    • UN Universal Health Coverage event – Aligning investments for health post-Covid
      Vice-President Östros delivered high-level opening remarks.
    • Climate and Development Finance: What Works?
      This event, organised in partnership with Project Syndicate, focused on the urgency of unlocking capital for the transition to a net-zero economy for everyone. The high-level discussion included EIB Vice-Presidents Ambroise Fayolle and Thomas Östros, WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner.
        Replay the livestream
        Read the opening remarks by Vice-President Östros
        Vice-President Fayolle explains why a closer partnership with UN agencies can strengthen our impact. Watch the video
        EIB's Chief Sustainable Finance Adviser Eila Kreivi shares her views on how climate and development finance can have more impact. Watch the excerpt
        EIB's Chief Climate Change Expert Nancy Saich explains the spending gaps in climate financing globally. Watch Nancy's intervention
        Check the agenda and speakers
    • UN Global Compact at UN General Assembly
      Vice-President Fayolle intervened during the High-Level Ocean Meeting, which focused on sustainable ocean management and on ocean-based climate solutions.
        Read Vice-President Fayolle's speech
        More about the event
    • Global Public Investment: How to Unlock Finance for Health, Climate and the SDGs
      Vice-President Fayolle participated in a roundtable hosted by the Global Public Investment Network (GPIN) and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The event brought together leading voices from various sectors to explore strategies to implement global public investment, fit for 21st-century challenges, to accelerate progress on health, climate and the Sustainable Development Goals.
    • The Africa Strategic Investment Alliance (ASIA) to accelerate digital and financial inclusion in Africa
      Vice-President Östros participated in a high-level panel to discuss how the EIB and the European Union support Sub-Saharan Africa.
    • NYC Climate Week - The Hub Live
      President Hoyer participated on a panel on "Getting investment to where it’s needed most/Innovation and Investment needed to achieve net-zero."
        More about the event
    • High-level event: ‘Towards a fair international financial architecture’
      President Hoyer participated on a high-level event hosted by Pedro Sanchez, President of the Government of Spain, and Charles Michel, President of the European Council.
    • The Case for Healthy Cities: How to Mobilize Stakeholders to Enable Healthier, Longer Lives
      Vice-President Fayolle participated in this roundtable hosted by the Mckinsey Health Institute and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The discussions will focus on the potential for multi-sectoral collaboration, innovation sharing and solutions to promote improved health and well-being in urban centres and communities across the globe.
    • High-level roundtable on Urban Climate Finance
      During this roundtable, Vice-President Fayolle and other panelists discussed the success of the City Climate Gap Fund.
        City Climate Gap Fund: Increasing support for resilient, low-carbon urban development
    • High-level event for Nature and People: From Ambition to Action
      Vice-President Fayolle participated in this event. The conversation focused on the momentum at the highest-level in rapidly translating ambition to halt and reversing biodiversity loss into tangible and impactful actions.
        EIB announces implementation of new measures at margins of UNGA to address biodiversity loss
        More about the event
    • Joint SDG Fund – Sustainable Finance for Energy Transition
      The Joint SDG Fund organised an event on "Sustainable Finance for Energy Transition: The cases of North Macedonia and Uruguay." Vice-President Ambroise Fayolle delivered the keynote speech.
        Discover EIB Group's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals in 2022
    • Climate Ambition Summit
      The Summit represents a critical political milestone for demonstrating that there is collective global will to accelerate the pace and scale of a just transition to a more equitable renewable-energy based, climate-resilient global economy. President Hoyer represented the EIB.
        Read President Hoyer's speech
        More about the Summit
    • UN Secretary-General's special meeting on the Principals of IFIs and other relevant entities on “Loss and Damage”
      Vice-President Fayolle participated in a meeting convened by UN Secretary-General in the margins of the Climate Ambition Summit. Ahead of COP28, the meeting provided a platform to discuss the forward-looking contribution of international financial institutions (IFIs) to address the loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change.
        Find out more on the concept note
    • High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development
      President Hoyer participated in a high-level dialogue on financing for development, organised by UNGA.
        Read President Hoyer's keynote address
    • Promoting SDG-investment in emerging and developing economies
      President Hoyer participated in this side-event, co-organised by Luxembourg and the EIB. It focused on effective ways to promote sustainable investment in developing economies for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The event also featured Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Ulisses Correia E Silva, Prime Minister  of Cabo Verde, Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning of the Republic of Rwanda, and Julie Becker, Chief Executive Officer of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
    • Universal Health Coverage: Aligning investments for health post-Covid
      President Hoyer joined representatives from Member States and observers of the General Assembly, the UN system, parliamentarians, nongovernmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions and the private sector to discuss means to expand health and well-being in a post-COVID world.
        Find out more
    Latest news & speeches
    EIB at #UNGA78: EIB President calls climate action: “the great development accelerator for the years ahead” but warns against “Colonialism 2.0”
    EIB President Werner Hoyer has been participating in UNGA this week alongside senior representatives of the EU Bank, which is owned by the 27 members of the European Union. President Hoyer was joining global leaders to address the climate emergency and ways to accelerate the 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development through innovative investment.
    President Hoyer at the Climate Ambition Summit
    Werner Hoyer, President of the EIB, participated in the thematic session "Accelerating decarbonization" of the Climate Ambition Summit 2023.
    President Hoyer's keynote address at the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development
    Werner Hoyer, President of the EIB, discusses innovative solutions for SDG investments at the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development.
    EIB announces implementation of new measures at margins of UNGA to address biodiversity loss
    Supporting investments protecting biodiversity and managing the risks from the threat posed to nature and biodiversity in EIB projects and are key elements of the EIB’s nature-positive framework presented by EIB Vice President Ambroise Fayolle on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly today.
    Increasing support for resilient, low-carbon urban development
    Today, the governments of Germany and Luxembourg announced new funding of EUR 50 million for the City Climate Finance Gap Fund (Gap Fund), a multi-donor fund, implemented by the World Bank and the European Investment Bank with partners. These resources will support the development of low-carbon and climate-resilient urban investments and will nearly than double the fund’s capitalization, bringing it to EUR 105 million, one of the largest early-stage technical assistance funds for cities and climate.
    Strengthened cooperation between EIB and UN partners to increase impact of climate and development financing
    Cooperation between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and five United Nations institutions will be greatly facilitated by an agreement signed on the side-lines of this week’s United Nations General Assembly. The agreement enables the EIB to directly finance technical assistance or advisory support provided by a core group of UN partners: the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This will make it easier to work on joint initiatives in which UN partners help project promoters prepare and implement projects eligible for EIB financing.
    Vice-President Fayolle at Return on Ocean Investment Roundtable
    Vice-President Ambroise Fayolle's speech at the "Return on Ocean Investment Roundtable," organised by the United Nations Global Compact.
    Vice-President Östros's opening remarks at Climate & Development Finance: What Works?
    Thomas Östros delivered the opening remarks at Climate & Development Finance: What Works?, an event co-organised by the European Investment Bank and Project Syndicate.
    Vice-President Thomas Östros at the SDG Action Weekend
    Thomas Östros, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank, spoke at the SDG Action Weekend's session on Local2030 Coalition: Pushing key transitions and achieving the SDGs by 2030.
    Stepping up on climate ambition, health and global development goals: EIB at #UNGA78
    Later this week, EIB President Werner Hoyer and senior representatives from the European Investment Bank will be in New York joining global leaders in framing ways to accelerate the 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development through innovative investment.

    Find out more about EIB’s action


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    We build stability and sustainable growth and we fight climate change worldwide.


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    Taking action to address the climate and environment emergency in the critical decade 2021-2030.


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