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On 12 February 2019, the European Investment Bank and the Representation of the European Union in Austria, are jointly organising a conference on “Europe's investment in growth and employment: EFSI and its potential for Austria” (Europas Investitionen in Wachstum und Beschäftigung: Der EFSI und sein Potenzial für Österreich).

Hundreds of projects have benefitted from ‘EFSI support’ and the plan has turned out to be a success: in July 2018, exactly three years after EFSI came into being, the EIB Group surpassed its initial goal: triggering EUR 315 billion of additional investment in the EU by mid-2018.  

This event serves as a platform for exchanging experiences and highlighting the most recent developments and potential of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). Panellists will discuss the current state of implementation of EFSI in general, the investment opportunities for Austria, specific complementarities with regard to the investment structure, the biggest hurdles in its implementation and how can the funds be used most effectively. Three exemplary Austrian projects will be presented and leading experts will be on hand to take questions from the audience.

The conference language will be German with simultaneous translation into English.

More information on the event can be found in the attached programme and here. To attend the event, please register online.