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Financial instruments such as loans, guarantees, equity and micro-finance can be useful tools for implementing the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). A special information seminar about these ESIF financial instruments in Lithuania is being organised by the EIB and European Commission through the fi-compass advisory service.

The purpose of this seminar is to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to learn more about the advantages, features and suitability of financial instruments. Representatives from the European Commission, the European Investment Bank Group as well as national experts will share their expertise and know-how on implementing financial instruments under ESIF in practice. The seminar will consist of:

  • A plenary session including the presentation of case studies, as well as
  • A workshop session to learn and discuss technical challenges regarding design and set-up of financial instruments.

This fi-compass learning event will be particularly useful for managing authorities and other public authorities and private sector stakeholders dealing with financial instruments under the ERDF, ESF, EAFRD, and EMFF.  The main seminar language will be English and interpretation into the national language may also be provided.

Registration for this event and other fi-compass Member State seminars is available through the event calendar on the fi-compass website: