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The European Commission supported by the European Investment Bank (fi-compass) is organising the sixth macro-regional event on financial instruments under the European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development (EAFRD). The conference will:

  • Provide Member States and managing authorities with an opportunity to learn more about the advantages, features and suitability of financial instruments in delivering EAFRD objectives;
  • Provide the opportunity to discuss in depth the technical challenges that the managing authorities and the Member States are facing at the moment as regards the design and set up of financial instruments;
  • Present concrete examples of financial instruments in agriculture and rural development; and
  • Present the range of support available from fi-compass, as well as co-operation in general from the European Commission and European Investment Bank Group.

Estonia will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU at the time of this fi-compass conference. The conference will be opened by Ms Josefine Loriz-Hoffmann, Director, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission. Further participation is expected also from Estonian Presidency of the Council (tbc), the Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs, and the European Investment Bank Group.

A detailed programme of the conference is available here.


The target audience for this fi-compass conference is:

  • Agricultural and rural development representatives of EU Member States and regions;
  • EAFRD managing authorities, other ESI Fund managing authorities;
  • Financial institutions directly involved in the design, implementation and promotion of financial instruments established under the EAFRD rural development programmes or with other EU funding, as well as their associations;
  • Farm unions, forestry associations;
  • Business angels, business associations having rural entrepreneurs as their members; and
  • Bodies managing or implementing financial instruments under other ESI Funds, etc.

Also welcome will be:

  • Local or (macro-)regional bodies implementing or considering implementing a fund of funds;
  • Financial intermediaries such as banks or specialised agencies;
  • Capital investors;
  • Representatives of Local Action Groups; and (if capacity allows)
  • Final recipients as well as other actors including academics supporting financial instruments implementation.


Simultaneous interpretation between English and Estonian will be available for participants.


Registration for the EAFRD macro-regional conference is open on the fi-compass website and the deadline for registration is Wednesday, 05 July 2017.