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As part of a public consultation process on the EIB's public disclosure and information policy review, a workshop with stakeholders is organised in Brussels on Wednesday 22 June. Interested organisations and individuals are invited to participate in the Workshop by returning the attached registration form before the 15th of June.

Preliminary arrangements for the Consultation Workshop
  • The Registration Desk will be open as from 10:00. Welcome coffee.
  • At 10:30, EIB Vice-President Peter Sedgwick will open the Workshop.
  • Presentation by Deputy Secretary General Rémy Jacob on EIB's transparency and disclosure policy.
  • Two rounds of discussions, the first one focusing on general issues related to the policy review and the second on the chapters of the draft revised policy document.
  • Buffet lunch at 13:00.
  • The Workshop will be closed after a wrapping up around 15:30.

Interested parties can opt for a speaking slot in the first round of discussions (see registration form).

The working language will be English; interpretation facilities for French and/or German may be considered, depending on demand.

Please note that the number of places available is limited to allow for a suitable interaction between participants. Consequently, we may have to give priority to those who have asked to participate at an early stage. Also note that EIB does not reimburse travel fees or accommodation expenses for participants.

For further information, please contact:
