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On March 11 and 12 the EIB will be hosting the social investor working group meeting of the the Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) in Luxembourg.

SPTF is a non-profit organization that consists of over 2,000 members representing +750 organizations from all over the world and every microfinance stakeholder group: practitioners, donors and investors (multilateral, bilateral, and private), global, regional, and national associations and networks, technical assistance providers, rating agencies, academics and others.  Its mission is to engage with microfinance stakeholders to develop, disseminate and promote standards and good practices for social performance management and reporting.

Wednesday  will be a day of pre-meetings for current members of the SPTF social investor working group.  Discussions will continue on Thursday at the EKI building with all meeting participants.

Following the discussions, participants will attend the photo exposition named "Autonomy snapshot” about the impact of projects in Burkina Faso and Bolivia by ADA, a Luxembourgish NGO which has been dedicated to building and catalysing the financial inclusion of populations excluded from conventional banking channels in developing countries.

 For details on the agenda, pre-reading materials, and logistics please visit or contact Leticia Emme (SPTF) at