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La encuesta revela que las generaciones más jóvenes son más conscientes del cambio climático que las de más edad, ya que el 68 % de la generación del milenio (de 18 a 34 años) cree que el calentamiento global se debe a la actividad humana, frente a solo el 56 % de la población de más de 55 años.
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56% of Europeans believe the green transition will help the economy to grow
The majority of Europeans (61%) believe that their quality of life will improve, with greater convenience in their everyday lives and a positive impact on their food and their health. However, they are more pessimistic compared to Chinese people (77%), Americans (65%) and British people (63%). Policies that address the climate emergency are also seen as good news for the job market: 56% of Europeans say these will have a net positive impact on employment levels, creating more jobs than they eliminate.
61% of Europeans think the green transition will improve their quality of life
The majority of Europeans (61%) believe that their quality of life will improve, with greater convenience in their everyday lives and a positive impact on their food and their health. However, they are more pessimistic compared to Chinese people (77%), Americans (65%) and British people (63%). Policies that address the climate emergency are also seen as good news for the job market: 56% of Europeans say these will have a net positive impact on employment levels, creating more jobs than they eliminate.
29% of Europeans think they will have to move to another region because of climate change
According to Europeans, the challenges related to climate change are here to stay. While one-third (30%) believe that the climate emergency will be under control by 2050, 66% feel that it will still be a serious issue by mid-century.
European respondents say they see climate change threatening their place of residence. When asked about the longer-term impact of the climate crisis, one-third of the EU population (29%) expects to have to move to another region or country. This concern is much stronger among people aged 20-29, with 50% of them saying they are worried about the possibility of needing to move due to climate issues.