The European Investment Bank (EIB) is lending EUR 40 million to finance the reconstruction, extension and rehabilitation of the General Hospital in Pula on the Istrian peninsula, to provide better quality hospital services in a more integrated and cost-efficient manner.
EIB funds will help to consolidate the Pula hospital facilities on a single site to correspond with modern standards for providing medical services and avoid current shortcomings and excessive maintenance costs. The project will be implemented between 2015 and 2018.
EIB Vice-President Dario Scannapieco commented: “The EIB loan will contribute to the implementation of the Croatian Government’s priorities in the health sector. Higher quality and more effective healthcare services will improve the living standards of the inhabitants of Istria and provide a valuable service to people visiting as tourists. This will help to increase the competitiveness of this region, attract qualified medical personnel and secure existing employment.”
“New investments, greater competitiveness and increased employment are HBOR’s priorities and the Pula General Hospital Project combines all of these. Construction of the new hospital facilities is a capital investment of special local interest and I am particularly pleased that the successful and long-standing cooperation between EIB and HBOR is continuing through this key project”, stressed Martina Jus, member of the Managing Board of HBOR (Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development).
Pula General Hospital is the final beneficiary of the EIB loan and HBOR is the borrower. The EIB has a long and very solid record of cooperation with HBOR, a well-established EIB partner financial institution through which the Bank has channelled some EUR 1.7 billion to support indirectly projects by Croatia’s SMEs and midcap companies.
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