- EIB to provide EUR 150 million loan to reconfigure Radboud University Medical Centre through the construction of a new clinical building and renovation of existing facilities.
- Investments in sustainability also covered under modernisation project.
The European Investment Bank has signed a EUR 150 million loan agreement with the Radboud UMC hospital in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The financing comes in support of the reconfiguration and modernisation of the university hospital through the construction of a new clinical building (S-Building) and renovation of other existing facilities. Apart from this, sustainability investments will also be covered by the loan agreement.
The aim of the project is to strengthen the functionality, efficiency and integration of services while at the same time improving the buildings’ sustainability. The replacement, expansion and renovation of the existing facilities will allow for the necessary reorganisation of campus activities.
“Life expectancy in the Netherlands is among the highest in the world,” said EIB President Werner Hoyer. “but with age, specific health problems arise, and Dutch hospitals have to prepare for that. In a time of rapidly shifting demographics, and rapid technological and medical developments, we are glad to support Radboud UMC in preparing for the future.”
“The Dutch healthcare sector needs a transition in order to be able to respond to the rapid demographic, sociological and technological changes in society. This requires leadership. The Radboudumc wishes to take responsibility for this and is grateful to the EIB for the financial support of our mission “to have a significant impact on healthcare.” added Leon van Halder, Chairman of the Board of Radboud UMC.
The project will cover the implementation of the UMC’s investment programme running up to 2023.
Photographer: Tim Smit ©EIB
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